The following excerpt is from Betsy Carams email dated 1-30-2011; this update focuses on the absolute necessity of hope and how we need to find it in the midst of our own storms…
From: Betsy Caram
Sent: Sunday, January 30, 2011 6:39 PM
Subject: Latest update
Dear Friends and family…
Since the beginning of the news of my diagnosis, God has been challenging my heart with the thought of hope. When I first heard the word "cancer," I felt I needed to grab hold of hope; and yet I didn't fully understand how to go about it. Soon after, I heard two different messages on hope and did a study on it myself. From all these various sources, I learned to appreciate hope like never before. For example, I learned from Scripture that hope is "an anchor to my soul" (Heb. 6:19). Many are going through difficult experiences, but in these difficult times God wants to give us something. It is called "hope." We all know that the opposite of hope is despair. To despair is to see the situation we are in as if it is bigger than God's ability to do something to change it. It is to believe that we have been forsaken or abandoned in our situation; that there is no solution, no way out—no hope. Yet hope always causes us to rise above the storms of despair. As a ship in the midst of a stormy sea is firmly held to the sea bed by it's anchor, so too "hope" is the anchor of the soul that keeps us steady when the storms of life come to test us. Hope accomplishes for us the same thing that an anchor does for a ship—preserving that ship (our soul) when the waves and the winds beat against it. This picture of an anchor helped me understand hope so much better and even gave me more reason to "hope" in God's mercy in my particular situation.
In my last update I had asked for prayer regarding the need to keep a song in my heart so that it would not be taken away by any form of problems that could arise because of my current challenge. The answer to that prayer came in the form of a poem by Emily Dickenson sent to me in a card of encouragement. I quote it here for your encouragement as well. "Hope" is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without words and never stops—at all." May these two pictures of "hope" cause your hearts to be strengthened as you face your own particular struggles in this very precious, but temporary life. And while we still covet your prayers for my continued chemo treatments, we trust that many who read this will be able to grab hold of hope in a new way. We also pray that you be able to see God doing something good and even eternal right in the midst of your own difficult situations. Thank you again for your faithfulness to us—it means so much.
Paul and Betsy
Hi Pastor, I'm from the Philippines and about last year, I chanced upon your blog since I was looking for google results for Miss Betsy Caram (I was reading her good book, Women of Influence and Distinction during that time), how is she now? I've been praying for both her and Pastor Paul since I read your blog. The Caram's (Pastor Paul's books and audio) are really a great blessing to the Church. Hope you can give us an update on how else we can pray for them. God bless you more!
Hello Suzette and thank you so much for taking time to comment. I have had the privilege of knowing Pastor Paul Caram (my senior pastor's brother) for over 30 years now and love and appreciate his ministry. I was at Bro. Paul and Sis Betsy's wedding. Sis Betsy's book on women of the bible is excellent as you say. The Caram’s are examples of the grace of God; in spite of the challenges they faced a while back with cancer and other physical problems they are traveling more now than ever and experiencing wonderful open doors of ministry. I would have to say one of their greatest needs is that God would give them strength as they fervently serve him through the many, many ministerial opportunities they have. Thanks so much for loving them and praying for them, I will be sure and tell them, they will be so encouraged! Many Blessings to you, P.Frank
Thank you also for the response, Pastor. It's good to know that the Lord has been very great to the lives of Pastor Paul and Sis. Betsy--through it all and until now. Thank you also for such a wonderful blog that imparts the vision of Zion to everyone. I also listen to convention messages of Pastor Dan Caram (together with those of Dr. Bailey, Rev. Tucker, Rev. Wallis, among others). We are very blessed to have access to blogs like yours, Zion Teacher, Zion books, and Zion convention messages, and Pastor Bailey's sermons in the Zion Chapel. It is a great aid and reminder that we ever be hungry and thirsty for more of the Lord. Will sure continue to include in prayer Zion Pastors and churches all over the world as well. God bless you more!
I like the image you use in this post. Is there a way to get a high resolution version of it?
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