Sunday, April 22, 2012

O' the cost of backsliding, there is no joy.

Hosea 9:1 "Rejoice not, O Israel, for joy, as other people: for thou hast gone a whoring from thy God, thou hast loved a reward upon every cornfloor."

Rejoice not for joy as other people do... In other words, they did not increase themselves honorably but rather instead of trusting the Lord and leaning on Him they sold themselves out to other nations, other idols so their joy is diminished and is turned into shame.

 When saints get off the good path to mix with the world and cast off the good things of God they are worse off than those who never knew the way; they may try but they cannot joy as others do, it is because they know they are in violation of everything sacred and holy. They try and they try but deep down they know they have departed from the good path and their joy will never be complete. Those who never knew the good way do not know any better and since they have never tasted anything better they think they have joy and success. Those who once knew a better way know what could be so the result it that their joy is greatly diminished. 

In the good and holy path there are pleasures and joy that the sinner never knows. For the modern believer he will experience the true joy Jesus was talking about when He declared "I am come that they might have life and have it more abundantly." and "That my joy might remain in you and that your joy be full." as they continue on the good path. But the way of the transgressor is hard and fraught with many difficulties and they cannot joy as do other men. Dear reader strive for the good path, preserve the sanctity of the way and good conscience in order to maintain a blood washed conscience and true peace and joy.

Monday, April 09, 2012

The King, His Authority and His Commandments!

“Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou?”

The arrogance of fallen man questions leadership, even God Himself is questioned; he ascribes to God sin and casts dispersions on everything He does questioning His very judgment. However, the power of life and death are in the word of the king; Proverbs 14:35 and the wise servant entreats His favor while the wicked are destroyed. Proverbs 20:2 whoso provoketh the king sinneth against his own soul. One must nourish the fear of the Lord and respect the office of those who have been appointed to His leadership. Even in cases when a natural king’s judgment was off track (as was the case with king Saul), the wise (king David) fear to touch him. How much more should one fear to stick their finger in Gods eye by questioning His judgments? Mankind too quicky criticizes the judgment of leadership; one who is wise will be careful in this realm.

5    “Whoso keepeth the commandment shall feel no evil thing: and a wise man's heart discerneth both time and judgment.”

Proverbs taught us that the curse causeless shall not come (Proverbs 26:2); he that keepeth the commandments shall not experience the curse (Duet 28 - the curse and blessings reside in our relationship with His commandments, to obey or not to obey them). Mankind tries to study and educate to roll off the effects of a curse. They try and compensate for the effects of the curse by programs and "sensitivity" training. In reality, however, no evil befalls one who keeps Gods commandments and if there are areas that have been cursed because of previous conduct before ones salvation, as one endeavors to walk in His commandments then these too can be broken and removed (Dan 4:27 Breaking off your sins with righteousness). My dear reader, if there are areas of your life where you feel you are bound by sin from your former lifestyle because it has been contrary to the commandments of God why not cry out two things:

 1) O' God, show me that area and the commandment(s) that might be being violated by this area of my life. Josiah was seeking the Lord as the young king and yet was walking contrary to Gods commands but he was ignorant to it. There was a curse prescribed because he and his people were breaking the commandments (albeit through ignorance). But when the revelation of Gods law came to him he was enlightened and wept bitterly for forgiveness. Even though the curse of God still came upon the land for their violations, Josiah was spared because he took the sins of his heart against the commandments seriously and because of his tenderness towards Gods laws he was delivered.

2) O’ God, Let the fear of the Lord overtake me in that very area and grip me at my core until I come to Heb 5:7 and have a holy crying and mourning for sin. When we meet with God in these area’s He will break off our sins with righteousness and set us free.