Job 38:36 [NET] "Who has put wisdom in the heart, or has imparted understanding to the mind?"
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Universe as seen by Hubble |
Basically I do not have a problem with many secular theories today, for instance the Big Bang theory does not bother me a bit; Dinosaurs do not cause me any heart burn at all. The scriptures simply say God created the heavens and the earth by His Word and in Genesis, Proverbs and in the latter chapters of Job we have some renderings of the activity of creation but not specifics on how He executed it. As far as Dinosaurs are concerned, I can accept for the sake of argument that there was another creation before us (Investigate Genesis gap theory). Sticking with the Big Bang theory for a moment suppose we accept this as a possible hypothesis (albeit for it to be true one of the principle laws of physics must be violated, namely, particles exceeding the speed of light; a feat that nothing in the universe currently can do). The problem I have with secular theories are not so much how the things we see today came to be but rather two critical and I believe fatal points that refute secular theories: 1) Where did the very first particle and its energy come from? and 2) Where did wisdom and understanding come from and who put them into the heart of man?
Where did the first particle come from? Scientists are very proud of their explanation that everything came forth from one single astronomically compressed dense particle bursting with energy which exploded causing particles to exceed the speed of light for some period of time (better be careful with this one; under special relativity doesn't exceeding the speed of light cause an event to go back in time or reverse?) producing dust and other elements that filled the universe with matter and eventually formed into galaxies and into the known universe. My question is simple; where did the first particle which contained all these sophisticated and complex particles and gases come from?
In my faith I can answer this question; I believe that the worlds were framed by the Word of God and so God comes before the particle and is responsible for the elements contained in the first particle. In the scientists theory nothing existed before the particle and so the particle is all powerful and created itself; therefore, they believe the particle is God since this little particle created everything we know and see today. Ask yourself this question, does this make sense and answer all the questions of light and all darkness, water, skies, outer space, atmospheres and planets, sun moon and starts. Were all of these created from one little particle of dust and energy? What about intangible things such as wisdom and understanding, good and evil were these all created from a particle of dust too. This does not make any sense at all; the answer is, of course, they had to be created.
Where did all the immense energy in the very first particle come from? There can only be two possible answers; it was either created or it created itself. It was either created by God or it is God. This theory is folly; don't waste my time explaining to me what happened when the energy was released explain to me where the energy came from in the first place. What is created is not nearly as important as what created it. This next point is the most fatal to secular theorists. Where did the intangible things such as wisdom and understanding in the heart of man come from? The Lord in the book of Job (Chapter 38:36) asked Job, a man who was in the midst of a trial and accusing God, this very question. And to the modern theorists I would like to ask the same. If man formed from the organic composition of the primordial ooze, a strictly organic activity then where did his intelligence come from and who told him he needed it? He could not have developed it because he sensed he needed it because not having intelligence how could he sense he needed it? The answer is, of course, obvious; it was God who put wisdom and understanding in the heart of man.
Here is the issue. Modern man is committed to discounting God because of the accountability issue; if he accepts that God exists then he is accountable for all his ambitions and works. He wants to cast God away because he wants the liberty and freedom to be his own man, not accountable to anyone. Unfortunately, he will find out too late that mankind is created and as such is accountable, everyone is accountable, it is the one unbending rule of the universe. Man was not created, as he accuses, by a cruel taskmaster but rather a loving and kind God whose only issue with man is against that which is evil (sin). If man walks contrary to laws God has given then he is subject to the penalties of the law (this is the same principle we govern ourselves with; if one breaks a law he is subject to the penalty - no difference!).
What exactly is the commandments of God that we are judged by? Love, plain and simple. Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. Hardly the mandates of a wild dictator bent on forcing worship. So motivated to man's success in this command is God that He offered His only begotten Son on the cross for those who have rebelled against Him, the very one who gave them life and breath. He did this to provide a covering for mans sin and to impart to us the power to walk in His commandments and thereby avoid the penalty of the law.
In conclusion, the fatal flaw to modern theories is that although they try to explain the origins of the universe and the origins of man they can only take you to a point in time where something already existed and they cannot go beyond that point! My faith can easily make that leap to the other side bridging the gap and explaining the real origins, the origin of the very first particle and the energy contained and where wisdom and understanding came from.