Monday, August 09, 2010

Coming Home from Guatemala

I am taking some time to update everyone interested in our progress; we are currently on our way home in the Philedelphia Airport. Well, it was certainly a jam packed 10 days! We are returning with a sense that this trip mattered. There were opportunities to share and minister virtually everyday (many times multiple times a day). We saw God do amazing things in IBJ with several seeing the cloud of Gods glory during the teaching of Davids Tabernacle and the final day of class when we had an altar call they saw the fire of God. Our most earnest desire is that many were touched as we endeavored to flow with the Spirit. I cannot express enough thanks for the many prayers offered for Rebecca and I... Thanks so much!! God continued to move during our time at the Molina orphanage... I would expect to see God pour out His Spirit very soon in this place. While there the Lord quickened to me the foundation to this orphanage was 8X10, the measurement of the foundation stones in Solomons Temple (8=Spirit; 10=Truth - "The Father seeketh such...", Jn 4). Well what can I say, we ministered (Becca spoke 4X's and I spoke approx 22X's counting each 1.5hr session as one speaking engagement)and we took pictures in between we visited with some of the most wonderful people...we are blessed.

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