Friday, January 14, 2011

Ecclesiastes Chapter Three...cont What God does lasts forever

14 “I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him”.

Here is one of the uncharacteristic remarks of Solomon in Ecclesiastes; he has gotten it completely right. In fact, this verse could have easily fit in Proverbs. "...Whatsoever God doeth it shall be forever..."; we want to be the workmanship of God because what He does lasts forever (Eph 2:10). In order for us to be His workmanship we need to respond to His workings as He deals with us, when He draws us close to touch some are in us. One who is resistant and rebellious to His workings is not in the end going to be called "His Workmanship". They will not partake of the blessing of having this enduring (eternal) work done in them. O' that we would seek the Lord to entirely deal with our crooked and rebellious nature because it is that nature buried deep in the heart of man that instead of making us His sons and daughters actually makes us distant, distant relatives. Remember that whatever God does lasts forever; the dealings have an end but the work lasts forever.

15 “That which hath been is now; and that which is to be hath already been; and God requireth that which is past”.

That which hath been is now... Or, we are living today that which has already taken place historically, it is happening now and that which is to be hath already been... Or that which will happen in the future has already happened in the past. This reminds us of exactly what Solomon has already said: (Eccl 1:9). Then there is a new nuance added here: "...and God requireth [searches out] that which is past". In other words, God makes diligent search into the past, just as an auditor comes in to examine historical records to determine compliance. We want to be very careful what we do today because the events of tomorrow will not erase the activities of yesterday; there will be accountability for the past. This is why one must come under the canopy of the blood of Jesus so during His review of our lives He will "Passover" our sins!

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