Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ecclesiastes Chapter Five cont... Do not fail to appeciate the accountability of words

“For a dream cometh through the multitude of business; and a fool's voice is known by multitude of words.”

Although the first part of this verse is meant to be a comparison to illustrate the fool “just as a dream results from the multitude of business so too is a fool known by the multitude of his words"; nonetheless, we do have another bit of wisdom here. Dreams or "visions of the night" can be a vehicle whereby God imparts wisdom to us (Job 33:15-16; Dan 2:19) but they can simply be the result of a busy day or a dislodged memory or desire. One must exercise caution and be very careful in this realm.  What is the litmus test on whether a thing is from God or not? One word…faith! We walk by faith and whatsoever is not of faith is sin. There must be the "Amen" of the Holy Spirit and the sense that it is from God. Ask God also to give us discernment between soul and spirit, just because something is dreamed does not mean it is of faith it can be from the soul. This takes practice and an honest heart and over time we will learn to discern the difference.

The point to this verse is that a fool is known by the multitude of his words (note: although he speaks much in reality he says very little); he talks, as they say, just to hear his own voice. We have known people like this; they are not lovers of truth they are lovers of their own words and they freely share their musings and opinions without regard for what is true. They would do well to remember a few verses: Job 38:2 - they are quick to counsel but the counsel lacks understanding and light, it is "darkened"; Proverbs 10:19 - in the multitude of words there is sin, better off are you when your words are few.

“When thou vowest a vow unto God, defer not to pay it; for he hath no pleasure in fools: pay that which thou hast vowed.”

Do not vow if you do not intend to fulfill your vow. Never is this more important than in marriage; when one makes a vow the angel records it down and we are held accountable to that word. If only we knew the impact of our words, in particular our vows. Do not hesitate to pay your vow to the Lord, do not back out of it once it is made... "For He hath no pleasure in fools…" For those of us who love Him it should be our mission in life to discover what brings pleasure to the Father, after all it is the reason we were created (Revelations 4:11) that through a loving relationship between Father and son we should live out our days not rebelliously or selfishly but doing those things that please Him (John 8:29). And so we should be slow and careful in vows so we do not displease Him by transgressing our own vows through weakness.

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