Friday, November 25, 2011

A Good and Right Foundation for Eternity

The Lord has been speaking to me about foundations; how important it is to have not only a strong foundation but also a right foundation. I once had a vision of the night where the Lord took me to a very large amphitheater. While there I was on a platform looking out over a large mass of people, so many in fact that I could not see where it ended, it was a literal ocean of people.

While I was there, there was a lot of chatter (talking) going on and the Lord wanted to get everyone’s attention and so at this time there appeared in front of me a very dense and heavy chalk board like device; it was approximately four feet by four feet. And it stood before me on the podium. As I grasped it in my hands I said these words: “In eternity…” then I paused while I slid it off the edge of the podium and it fell slowly to the floor remaining in an upright position. When it came into contact with the floor the entire amphitheater shook like we were in a small earthquake and everyone settled in and fixed their eyes on this chalkboard…and so I continued: “In eternity we will be measure on what we have done with Jesus Christ...and how much of Gods will has been completed in our lives”.  As I said this it was obvious to me that everyone was being shown on this blackboard what Gods plan had been for their lives.

How does this vision of the night affect you? God brings each one of us into a place of worship; you are there because of the sovereign will of God. He uses the five fold ministry and the body of Christ to build within us a good and a right foundation. If the foundation is good and right then the house that is built will be good and right. 1 Peter 2:5Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.” God has a plan for each and everyone of our lives and we are accountable to that plan, remain faithful in the place of His choosing and delight in it and God will fulfill His perfect will in you! And so my final exhortation is seek the Lord that the foundation would be good and right and that you will become that spiritual house He ordained you should be so when your day of measurement comes you will meet the exact measure...

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