Friday, February 24, 2012

Ecclesiastes 8:1 wisdom can set the captive free!

Ecclesiastes 8: 1 “Who is as the wise man? and who knoweth the interpretation of a thing? a man's wisdom maketh his face to shine, and the boldness of his face shall be changed.”
"Who is as the wise man? Who knoweth the interpretation of a thing? One who has the spirit of wisdom knows how to interpret a thing. The Spirit of Wisdom teaches one to know the interpretation of a thing; this was the anointing upon king Solomon. This anointing opens shut doors (prisons); bondages whose origins are hidden and unknown are revealed by wisdom. Also, the end of the choices one makes is understood by wisdom and also what is the right thing to do in a given situation, these come from wisdom. Wisdom can help shave off years of groping in darkness for answers. One can be bound in some area of their life and never know why but one with this anointing of wisdom can give a single word and open the eyes of those who will hear by giving the cause of the trouble. This may either deliver them immediately or set them on a path of prayer and seeking that will bring the ultimate deliverance.
"...a man's wisdom maketh his face to shine, and the boldness of his face shall be changed." Once one has received wise counsel through this gift the response many times is one of joy because of the release wisdom brings (for those who have an ear to discern it). A good example of this gift in operation would be when Jesus spoke to the woman at the well. She felt she could be fulfilled in relationships but it always eluded her (evidenced by her continual seeking it with another relationship). However, once the Master interpreted her life by the word of wisdom (that her real need was for the living water and not relationships) she was filled with joy and elation and went about telling her friends.
Many times I remember being in anxiety and frustration only to have word of wisdom from the Lord either by a brother or sister or even a word to my own heart. And O’ the joy and release that word brought as it set my mind to understand wisdom from Gods vantage point, what release and what freedom wisdom can be…from perplexity to peace with one word of wisdom!

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