29 "For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD:"
Why do people hate knowledge? By definition the opposite of knowledge is ignorance! So, why do some hate knowledge? 2 Peter 3:5 we have this phrase here that I want to draw out: “willingly ignorant”, ignorant of truth because they will it to be so. Many do not want to know the truth because they know it will reflect badly on them so they are willingly ignorant of it, they have convinced themselves that by ignoring it that somehow they will not be accountable to it. We want to be those who voluntarily come to the light that the real issues of the heart can be dealt with. We want to make a conscious choice to choose the fear of the Lord.
“…And did not choose the fear of the Lord”! Did you know that accepting the fear of the Lord is a choice that people can make? People can willingly cast behind them the fear of the Lord; even in the face of conviction and pressing from the Holy Ghost they can push on. How merciful God was to the apostle Paul but is clear from the statement of the Lord Jesus to him “…it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks” that had not the Lord Himself knocked him off his horse and blinded him that he would have continued to push away the convictions of the Holy Ghost. Oh how dangerous it is to push back against the conviction of the Holy Ghost because it will certainly mean destruction in the end. We will apply V:24-25 and V:29-31 as confirmation of this very truth. But those who listen to the counsel given by wisdom they shall have V:33
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