Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Conflict II The Trial of Job

Well, as I mentioned I have decided to post excerpts from my book on the Armor of God (a free download on the sidebar to the right). Because we are living in the days when the anti-Christ is about to be revealed and engage the saints in unprecedented warfare (See Dan 7:21; Rev 13:7). In this book we try and expose the "Whiles of the Devil" as he moves with indignation against the saints; we seek to emphasize the necessity of being clothed with Gods Armor to be able to stand against this onslaught. Please read these blogs (and the book) prayerfully and with consideration of your own walk with the Lord. A certain portion of the church world does not believe the church will have to face sure battles but that is false hope, otherwise there would be no reason for the Armor of God at all!

Blessings, Rev Frank R. Anderson

Conflict II - The Assault Against Job

The Enemy’s Assault through Trials

When Satan engaged with God to attack Job, what was the enemy really after? Was he looking to rob Job of his wealth and earthly substance or was he after something more? Consider the position of this great man of God, whom the Lord said there was not another man like him in the earth. In Job 1:8 it says, “And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil?” Was the evil one’s scheme simply to remove Job’s blessing? Or was it to destroy Job’s testimony and make Job and God enemies? The answer is in the enemy’s own words in Job 1:11, “But put forth thine hand now, and touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee to thy face. His scheme was to destroy Jobs testimony and turn him against God, to offend Job and to make him believe God was not just or fair. He wanted to see Job curse God. Satan knows what is in the heart of man and how to get him to react. Many times men and women sour when they suffer and tend to blame God when situations become difficult. It is a mature saint indeed that remembers all the good the Lord has done and does not doubt the character of God, even in the midst of suffering.

Job Never Curses God
It is worthy to observe that, when the trial began, Job was able to put forth a confession that was victorious. Job 1:21 states, “And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.”  It was only after the trial dragged on that we can see what needs to be purged from Job; there is manifested all kinds of wrong confessions. The same can be true with us, unlike Job they are not always put into words but nonetheless wrong confessions can be there lurking beneath the surface. That being said, we must note that faithful Job never did curse God to His face; he did not become an enemy of God or do at all what the enemy said he would. The secret to maintaining a good confession is to know and understand the character of God with deep conviction, so that we do not turn on him and begin to accuse Him as soon as He begins to deal with something in us. Many times mankind turns on the Lord as soon as the going gets rough. Job 2:4 says, “And Satan answered the LORD, and said, Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life.” In many cases this is true enough.

Be Careful About the Opinions You Form When Suffering
As we stated at the beginning, the enemy is in the business of changing what people believe. He knows the power of a belief system and he knows how what we believe governs every detail of our lives. The enemy works evil to get us to form a belief in something that is not even true and the vehicle he is using here is pain and suffering. Men and women do this everyday, formulating opinions about God in their trials that are not true because they are suffering and cannot understand. The enemy will seek permission from God Almighty to take us through great trials in order to get our testimony to sour. Keep in mind that all of the enemy’s tactics deal in the realm of beliefs. He knows full well the reality of God and His plan. In fact, he might even believe more than many of God’s people! Of course, Satan is not born-again and his belief does not do him any good, none-the-less he believes “even the devils believe, and tremble…” (James 2:19)

The devils know what you stand on is true; their diabolical plan is to undermine the integrity of God in one’s heart and shake your confidence in Him in order to produce fear and doubt. They want us to believe what the children of Israel believed in the wilderness, “God has brought us out here to die…” (Num 21:5). They want us to believe He has forsaken me… He is no longer here… He no longer cares…

The enemy was after one thing in the trial of Job. He was not interested in Job’s children, his cattle, his wealth, or his influence; these are all sideline issues! The enemy does not need camels and cows! He was after Job’s relationship with God; he was after his confession, his testimony and the promises of God. Please listen. The fact that God has allowed something to be removed from us is not the tragedy; the tragedy is when the enemy can steal one’s relationship with Christ and one’s testimony. Job 1:7 states that “…he will curse thee to thy face.” This is what the enemy is after. He wants our love for the Lord and our testimony to sour.

Things come and things go, as Paul said Philippians 4:11-13, “Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. (12) I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. (13) I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me”. The things around us, wealth and possessions are less important. What is important in our trial is what we bring to it, such as our confession and opinions formed about our God. It is absolutely critical that we maintain a good confession and watch out for attitudes that do not please Him. You will recall that the scriptures say that we are chosen in the furnace of affliction. What this tells me is that God brings the fire to see what our confession will be in it and then He directs our lives accordingly. Please remember that there is grace in the fire if we will humbly cry out to Him because He wants our confession to be good.

The Devastation of an Evil Confession
Let’s consider the children of Israel for a moment. It was not the giants that kept them from entering into the land; it was their own confession of God. Those who maintained a good confession (Joshua and Caleb) survived. “As you have spoken in mine ears so will I be unto you” (Num 14). Be mindful of one thing; Satan cannot get access to us unless God first allows it. Therefore, the opinions we formulate in our trial (good or bad) are our opinions of God, who has allowed it. When Job said, “The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21), he crushed the enemy. By that testimony he contradicted the evil one, who said Job “will curse you to your face” (Job 1:7).

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