Job 28:12-13 "But where shall wisdom be found? and where is the place of understanding? Man knoweth not the price thereof; neither is it found in the land of the living."
Man speaks of the big bang theory and seeks to take us back to a point of origin, they come up with lengthy scientific explanations for all that we see and they are content with the organic explanations of how life developed but there is one aspect of life they cannot explain organically and that is where did consciousness and wisdom come from. How did the organic cellular life become self aware and learn wisdom? We are told where wisdom comes from, it comes from the mouth of God. Pro 2:6 "For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding."
Wisdom which is intangible and a product of consciousness and thought are evidences of a Creator. One posted on a blog that wisdom just happened, it was the natural growth of experience. This does not quite solve the problem, how did anyone know we needed to develop this wisdom, how could consciousness and thought develop on their own. Are we saying that the bacteria on my arm, if given enough time and experience will develop conscious thought and eventually obtain wisdom? We cannot get away with saying things just happened; everything we know has a place of origin. The only thing that breaks this rule is God Himself because He is eternal, He always was and always will be. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God (John 1:1).
The world cannot explain origins and where all the matter has come from or why the Big Bang (Their pet theory) happened. Christians too, if we are honest, cannot explain the beginning of God; He just always was and we cannot explain it. And so we are both faced with an impossible beginning. Now what do we do? It becomes an argument of credibility, which story is more credible (it matters not to God since He does not need to justify Himself; it matters only to us mere mortals). In order for the "God is alive" argument to be valid there has to be only one single evidence of His existence. One single evidence proves He is real and throws the weight of credibility in His favor (again, He does not need our help to prove His existence; this argument is for carnal man). In order for the evolutionist to have the weight of credibility he needs to disprove every existence of God, one evidence of a Creator and his whole argument breaks down. This burden is on them because our "God" argument can produce every evidence the evolutionist uses to explain their theory but the evolutionists position cannot explain any evidence of God, they must eliminate Him entirely. In other words if God exists then we can explain everything else plausibly though creation but the evolutionist has nothing in his theory that explains God. So, in order for their theory to work they must totally and completely eliminate God, every trace, every evidence of Him in every corner of the universe (by the way, it is an impossible task for them because the greatest evidence of God is in their own theory. The particle and energy it took for the alleged Big Bang to happen, someone had to create them).
This impossible position the evolutionist comes from was explained to me this way once (and I like it): "If one says there is no gold in the earth then they must search every inch of this planet to prove their theory of no gold but if I say there is gold on the planet I only need to produce one small nugget of gold and my theory is the correct one." This is the battle the evolutionist is an impossible position because there is evidence of God everywhere, they cannot even disprove God using their pet theory of the Big Bang because someone has to create the particle and energy it took to make it happen. Then there are the intangible things which cannot be explained organically such as thought, conscience and wisdom. God is everywhere and to deny His existence is a special kind of madness that, through intentional blindness, seeks to deny what is obvious.
Jesus lived, this is a historical fact. He dies for the sins of the world and then His corpse is buried. Three days after His burial He is resurrected and is seen by over 500 witnesses, no one during His era disputes this, it is accepted as fact. We are even told of a conspiracy to cover it up but it fails abysmally. I only need one fact to prove the existence of God, rising from the dead satisfies this requirement. Some say, there is a "kinda dead" explanation whereby Jesus was not really dead but only seemed dead. They are immediately faced with another problem, these same witnesses saw Him physically ascend into the clouds; this dramatic event was well witnessed and well documented. If I can produce one evidence of God then my theory is the correct one; this will not, of course, satisfy the nay sayers who choose to keep their eyes shut never the less it is truth and it must be faced.
The next conclusion we need to make is that if there is a God then there is a heaven and there is a hell and when we die we will go to one or other of these places. The way to heaven is charted very clearly in the scriptures; it is through Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He came to pay for our sins and through this very death and resurrection overcame death for us all and purchased for us our salvation. If God is real and by extension heaven and hell are real then we must make sure we end up in the right place (heaven). I encourage you to accept the free gift of Gods Son (nailing our sins to His cross) and make your eternal home heaven.
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