Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Guatemala Update...

This is an update for those of you following our progress; Rebecca is speaking at the ladies breakfast as I write this. This meeting will be attended by the women of the church and invited guests. She has prepared a message on staying in the Lords sheepfold (a theme that was decided on by the ladies). I talked to her this morning and she is comfortable with her message and feels she has a good word for them. Yesterday I had the privilege of speaking on a local AM radio station for approx 25 minutes; it went well and the interpreter (her name is Anna) did an excellent job. The potential audience of this station is in the millions and so we feel God was gracious to give us this opportunity (the broadcast extends beyond the Guatemalan borders to neighboring countries). Last nights teaching went well, I am resting and studying now for session two which will take place tonight. The approximate US time for the broadcast available on this blog (lower right hand corner) will be 8:45PM for those who will have the opportunity to view it. If you do please take a moment to comment on the quality of the broadcast.

Thanks, Frank

1 comment:

Phil Vaughn said...

Thanks Pastor Frank for the updates. We pray that your time in Guatemala will bear eternal fruit.
It will never cease to amaze me how our God can take the few words we speak and impact and change people's etenal destiny. We are very pleased that Rebecca had opportunity to pour into to others as well. Muchas bendiciones!
Tu Amigo,