Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Ecclesiastes Chapter Seven versus character!

23 “All this have I proved by wisdom: I said, I will be wise; but it was far from me”.

All of Solomon's observations he made by his gift of wisdom. Because of the anointing that was upon him he could see and observe with the ability to form what he saw into a statement that was instructive. This is seen more so in the book of Proverbs than in Ecclesiastes; by now he has corrupted his gift by a reckless and licentious lifestyle (See V:25). There should have been two tracks running in the life of Solomon; the gift and the character to sustain the gift and to prevent a crash. Because these two tracks were not in their proper order in his life his gift was corrupted. This is very instructive for us as well; over the years I have observed it is not to the talented or the gifted to take the prize but it is to the man or woman of character.

1) The Gift - first of all we have the gift itself; a gift is something given from the hand of God to a man or a woman that makes their way in this life (Proverbs 18:16 “A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men”.)

2) Good Character - this is what is needed to ensure proper behavior in the execution of the gift. God is very much about behavior and how we conduct ourselves. Character preserves the anointing.

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