Monday, January 02, 2012

2012 New Years Message - The Grace of God

When I reflect upon the personal words the Lord has given me at the beginning of the last two New Year events (2010 & 2011) I find two things to be true: 1) The words came to pass in my life and 2) They were fulfilled in ways that were much different then I expected (They were fulfilled negatively, although Romans 8:28 always works). They were personal words to me, they would have very little significance to anyone else but to me they were life altering even if by crisis. Therefore, I have been reluctant to ask the Lord for a word for 2012 because I had concerns that more of the same would come to me (Not very considerate of the Lord, I know, trust me I have already chastised myself for it). Never the less, the Lord did speak to me one word for 2012; it is the word "Grace".

Recently, I was waiting on the Lord before a service when this thought pierced my mind... "Everyone who makes good in this world (past present and the future) does so because of the deposit of grace bestowed upon them." And as this thought was germinating in me and spreading like leaven in my spirit such a cry came out in my spirit "O' God please, please, please, give me more and more of Your grace so I do not have to fail you". Suffice it to say, without going into too many details, that within 1 hour I had been called to the front of the church by a visiting minister who was unaware of my plea which was said only in my heart and not out loud "The Lord is going to meet with you and put his deposit of grace on you and it is going to be sufficient" (paraphrased). I am very very encouraged because I already begin to feel it working in me.

It is an encouragement to me to have God speak clearly that "2012 is a year of Grace" (and I feel this word is for many, many more than just myself or else I would not put it on this blog) but to be fair we need to consider two more things where grace is concerned. Before there can be grace deposited in us there needs to be 1) a terrible need that cannot be overcome by one's self and 2) the brokenness of heart in the recipient to receive it (Proverbs 3:3-4; James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:5). So...we conclude that in order to receive grace we must have a need and in need cry out in brokenness. Finally, we must also receive the Grace of God when offered, for it is possible to fail of the grace as stated in Hebrews 12:15 (usually though bitterness, hardness, pride or idolatry (idolatry by not wanting to give up something God is requiring)).

So, does this mean there are challenges yet ahead for 2012? You bet there are but what is the key to survival, what is the key to victory and endurance?  It is the grace of God! I have one other little exhortation  to share before we conclude this little piece. When we say the hindrances to grace are bitterness, hardness and pride how is it that these sins are manifested? Is it not through the lips? I will maintain that one must profess a good profession in order to receive grace. Speaking bitterly, harshly or in pride does not move the heart of God to release this tremendous gift of grace. Charity, meekness and humility in our speech releases the heart and the Grace of God. Colossians 4:6 - "Let your speech be always seasoned with grace..." God bless you all and I pray God will manifest His grace in remarkable ways this year!!

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