Monday, January 16, 2012

Grace for Obedience Romans 1:5

I am in preparation for teaching the book of Romans in our local Bible Certificate Program (see schedule down and to the right in the widget with the map, if you are in Erie or the surrounding area you are welcome to attend free of charge. There is a nominal charge for books but auditing is free). I spoke on this verse (Romans 1:5) in our church on a Sunday evening and I am going to share my thoughts here on my blog because I feel grace, in some circles, is greatly misunderstood (based on discussions I have had with various believers). Let me first highlight for you what has been communicated to me as a definition of "Grace"; it has be purported that grace is the ultimate "get out of jail free card". It is, to some, the reason why they do not have to pursue holiness or lead a disciplined christian life. To these, well meaning, believers it is the substance that lets them misbehave and not mature because it covers all their weaknesses and misconducts. It is not my position that I am an example myself of what real grace is, however, I can say I am certainly striving for its true reality to be realized in me.

What I am about to share concerning grace does not come from my own religious interpretation of it but rather a simple understanding of 1) God's nature and 2) What the scriptures say about this most important subject (after all we are what we are by the grace of God, Amen?).  First of all let's consider this verse Rom 1:5 "By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for his name:" We have this phrase..."we have received grace...for obedience to the faith...". This, for me, identifies the true meaning of the word grace. It is not to excuse us (although I do want to be careful because there is most definitely this element to grace, to cover sin, so I am not dismissing that (See Rom 3:24)). It is important, however, that we absorb all the scriptures say about this, consider other verses that support this assertion that grace is for obedience to the faith (and not just to exempt us from judgment): Rom 5:20; Rom 6:1-2; Rom 6:14 and the list goes on and on. Grace is intended to help us overcome sin not just to cover it up!

Finally, let me end this little piece with a very valid definition of the word grace as defined for us using the original Greek. Romans 1:5 Grace - "...the divine influence upon the heart and it's reflection in the life..." In other words, it is not a covering at all but rather it is the influence of the Holy Spirit upon our lives to make the right choice, to go the right way. We should view the grace of God as the influence coming upon us to make right choices, the influence to go the right way and the influence to do what is right in the eyes of the Lord. In our pursuit of Gods plan for our lives, let's look at grace as that influence of God that comes upon us to help us to always those things that please Him and to depart from sinful ways.  "Grace for obedience..."

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