I use my spare time to write commentaries on the works of Solomon (Proverbs; Ecclesiastes and now Song of Solomon). I am going to begin publishing the contents of these commentaries for the edification of anyone who wants to read them...as always comments are very welcome!
The Proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel
The entire book of Proverbs can be summarized in one thought; a man will eat the fruit of his own choices, if he chooses wisely God will bless him but if he chooses foolishly then God will remove His blessing. Jeremiah puts it like this: Jeremiah 17:10 “I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.” As you read and study Proverbs, let this be the key that demystifies and unlocks the hidden treasures of this extraordinary book.
There are certain comments we should make which will help us to understand the Spirit of the book of Proverbs. For instance, Proverbs will condemn the fool and his folly but also gives hope to the fool by encouraging him to seek wisdom (Proverbs 1:22-23). On one hand Proverbs says harsh things about the simpleton whilst on the other hand we are told this book will give subtlety to him (Proverbs 1:4). Many who are righteous today and are considered pillars of wisdom had periods where they perhaps lived foolishly and deserved the wrath of Almighty God, however, by surrendering their lives to Christ and their continual embracing of the ways of God and the precepts of this incredible book they have, through years of trial and error, become recipients of the blessings of righteousness and wisdom. So too will you, dear reader, if you surrender your life to Christ embracing the precepts of this book allowing it to instruct you and form your mind become a recipient of the righteousness and wisdom of God. But those who are wicked remain simple and foolish and are condemned and destroyed in the end; they refuse the words and instructions of wisdom (Proverbs 1:24-26). Finally, contemporary Christianity seeks to put the cart before the horse. They focus in on the blessing of God without a clear definition of how to really obtain it; therefore, it is always an unachievable mark (the blessing of God is only obtained by walking in righteousness and keeping His commandments, that is true wisdom). Proverbs very clearly defines for the simple the way to obtain the blessing of God; it is by walking in wisdom, righteousness and the fear of the Lord
The Structure and Emphasis of Proverbs
There are four specific points we want to cover about the style and emphasis of Proverbs:
1) First of all Proverbs deals specifically with the 3 relevant areas of life; thoughts, words and deeds. Each of these when finished becomes the platform for the other. In other words, our thoughts when established become the foundation of our words and our words when established become the foundation of our deeds. Therefore, wisdom and righteousness begin in the mind:
Our Thoughts – Proverbs tells us the thoughts of the righteous are good and merciful whereas the thoughts of the wicked are cruel and filled with conspiracy (bribes, false accusations and collusions). God will respond to a man in some regard according to his thought life.
Our Words – Proverbs speaks much about the lips. The lips speak the truth in love or they are hateful and deceptive, they can be used in righteousness or in wickedness. Proverbs speaks much about using the lips righteously or wickedly and will pronounce blessing or cursing upon individuals based on how they use speech. First of all concerning how we speak of ourselves (pride/humility), and secondly how we speak of others (kindness/cruelty). Because one is a believer does not automatically incur the blessings of God it is very much based on our speech
Our Deeds – Proverbs speaks much about what is done in the realm of deeds; righteousness and wickedness are revealed in the life by what act one performs and the fruit that results of that act. Being saved in and of its self does not automatically produce good fruit one who walks in righteousness will produce good fruit while one who walks unrighteousness will produce bad fruit. Again, let us be perfectly clear Jeremiah 17:10 says – “I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.” O’ how we need to cry out the Lord to cleanse our ways and make straight paths for our feet!
2) There are precepts and maxims established in the book of Proverbs. The precepts establish for us a basis of life; in some cases they may be unwritten, yet plainly implied laws that govern our world:
There is no middle ground - Proverbs does not deal with areas of gray or lukewarm; it rather takes the position of black or white, hot or cold “either you are with me or against me”. In the book of Proverbs there is no mention of the man or woman who is sometimes righteous; one is doing what is righteous or they are participating in folly. This is seen in the characters of the book; on one hand you have the harlot who is the wicked extreme, then you have the virtuous woman who is the righteous extreme, you also see the wise son or the foolish. You will not see the in between version such as half wise half foolish. We ascertain from this as it is stated in Revelation 3:15-16 that God hates mixture, the luke warm and the middle ground.
Righteousness is blessed and wickedness is cursed – the above statement not withstanding (that God does not like mixture) it is possible that one will be blessed in areas where they conduct themselves righteously; and at the same time suffer under a curse in areas where they are unrighteous. It is possible for one to be blessed in one area and be cursed in another; on one hand having developed righteousness in one area and yet not cleansed from unrighteousness in another. What we are saying is that we want to seek the Lord that He so work in us that we conduct ourselves in wise and righteous manner in every area of our lives, that He fill us entirely with His righteousness. As stated in the previous paragraph God hates the middle ground.
· On a point of clarification let me say this, Bildad, Eliaphaz and Zophar Jobs three friends made an erroneous declaration, they implied that if you walk in righteousness you will never suffer, suffering is for sinners. Therefore, Job, lf you are suffering by Gods hand you must have un-repented sin in your life. One must be very careful on this point because as we see in Job the righteous do suffer not because they necessarily have un-repented sin but that God may produce with in them humility. So when we say that Proverbs declares that if you walk in righteousness you will be blessed we do not mean to say you will never suffer.
The enemy draws one away by the weaknesses that exist in their heart - The fool is taken in his folly, the angry man by his anger, the unclean by his uncleanness and simple by his simplicity. We must seek the Lord to be filled with His wisdom and fear in every area of our life; when He reveals sin we must take it very seriously indeed because it is the unrighteousness in mans heart that will lead him astray, it is like a handle that the enemy can use us to steer them into the wrong direction (James 1:13-14). The strategy of the enemy is not to entrap one in areas where they are strong but to ensnare them in the areas where they are the weakest. The enemy does not attack strengths but weaknesses! When one walks in a way that is contrary to Gods ways it produces fruits that opens them up to the enemy and he can ensnare them by the weakness in their own heart.
Behavior dominates ones life - righteous behavior has a profound affect in ones life; it has the power to break bondages that dominate ones life. This power is clearly declared in Daniels counsel to Nebuchadnezzer Dan 4:27 “…break off thy sin by righteousness”. When one walks in righteousness it literally can break sins. We have confirmation to this point in Proverbs 10:2 and Proverbs 11:4 where it states that "righteousness delivers from death". On the other side of this truth, however, we see the opposite is also true as well that unrighteousness can produce bondages. This is illustrated in Gods counsel to Cain; unrighteousness produces judgment and bondage (Gen 4:7). Where inherited bondages or besetting sins are concerned one who has inherited a curse may break it through a behavior of righteousness (Rom 6:12-14) but one will open the door for curses through unrighteous behavior (Proverbs 14:34).
· Consider for a moment what is it exactly that opens up a life to evil spirits? It can be one of several things but at the core, at the beginning of that bondage there is some disobedience or unrighteousness. That is why Daniel told king Nebuchadnezzer to break off his sins with righteousness.
3) In order for us to fully appreciate this wonderful book we must also draw attention to several words particularly emphasized in Proverbs, they are as follows:
Wisdom - Proverbs 4:7 – “Wisdom is the principal thing...” if one lacks wisdom it is a tragedy that can result in a catastrophic event in their life! We will use the ostrich to illustrate what we mean. The Lord tells us she is deprived of wisdom and as a result her fruit is destroyed because she does not know how to make right choices (Job 39:13-17). Without wisdom man cannot make right choices and can live a fruitless life and remain in bondage, whereas, a man of wisdom knows how to make right decisions, he knows where to focus his energies (Psalm 90:12). To further illustrate how this works we will use the following example: A man has stomach pain for which he is taking a mild medicine to relieve his stomachache. Consider that this man actually has stomach cancer; his best efforts to deal with the problem are in vain because he is not really dealing with the root cause, he is treating the wrong symptom because he lacks the wisdom to know what the root cause of his problem. Therefore, because he does not understand the root cause of the problem he is not applying the correct remedy. His ignorance, not knowing the source of the pain, makes all his efforts in vain. In the same way a man may be seeking his whole life for the remedy to some area of his life but because he does not have the wisdom to understand the root cause all of his best effort are in vain. Wisdom enables one to know why something is happening and more to the point how to effect change. Proverbs 21:22 Solomon rightly concludes that wisdom is better than strength (Eccl 9:14-18)! See also Proverbs 24:3; Pro 8:15-16; Pro 9:11
Knowledge - Knowledge is a collection of information. In Proverbs 21:11 we learn where knowledge comes from; it comes from instruction. Instructions come from life lessons; lessons from mentors, teachers and personal study, they produce this knowledge. Now, we can carry this a bit further because while knowledge is good we must add something with it and that is the ability to rightly interpret that knowledge. That is where the next word "understanding" comes in. Knowledge, by the way, is not benign, it can be good knowledge, which promotes holiness, or it can be evil knowledge, which promotes sin and unrighteousness. There is the knowledge of good an evil as we learned in the garden and we must be very careful what knowledge we pursue because knowledge produces fruit. There is some knowledge (sin and vice), which we should not know! I will also state it plainly here, do not study false religions, that is evil knowledge and it will produce evil fruit. Do not study Psychology, it is an evil spirit and will not promote holiness. It is not the knowledge of false Gods or of the human mind that we should seek, it the knowledge of the holy one that we should seek.
Understanding – Knowledge, as stated above, is the collection of facts while understanding is putting them together in a way that makes sense. We must be able to rightly divide knowledge or “Truth”. Along this same line we must understand, as we just stated in the previous paragraph, that there is a good knowledge and an evil knowledge. We must first of all learn to discern the difference between good knowledge and evil and secondly to choose the good and refuse the evil (Isaiah 7:15). Understanding helps us do just that, it helps us to make right choice because we understand the outcome of those choices. We understand that if one chooses and evil path then they will eat the fruit of that choice whereas those who make wise choices will eat the fruit of that choice, understanding helps us to understand the outcome. Proverbs 4:7 declared that “Wisdom is the principle thing…” and then it said, “…In all thy getting get understanding”. And so understanding is only second to wisdom itself. In one sense there is a general understanding of how thing work, for instance, I understand that when I turn the key on the car it closes switches which complete an electrical circuit which causes the starter to engage and the electrical system to engage and the car will start but then there is an understanding which helps us to understand how life works; if I make wise choices then the Lord will be pleased He will release His hand of blessing upon my life and it will become brighter and brighter and my load will become lighter and lighter because the Lord will be with me. This is the understanding we want to cry out for.
Prudence - Proverbs 14:8; Proverbs 14:15; Proverbs 22:3 these verses define for us the quality of this virtue of prudence. They describe a cunning person of great wisdom and knowledge who understands the way he takes. He is able to clearly recognize the difference between the good path and the evil path. He can recognize danger while it is still afar off and has the ability to change courses to avoid it. He knows what to participate in and what to avoid. Proverbs gives to the one who comes to this book with a sincere desire to know the good path the prudence they need to stay on the good path.
Discretion - discretion preserves, it is the God given ability to be discreet in thought, word and deed. Knowing when to speak or to refrain from speaking; it takes great discipline and wisdom. Daniel was a man who possessed this virtue Proverbs emphasizes (Prove 22:11). He chose his words very carefully. We find this virtue is tremendously lacking in mankind today.
4) Finally, Proverbs teaches by contrasts. This style of teaching is a practical common sense type of wisdom demonstrated through comparisons. In order for one to be truly wise they must be able to understand and sort out the best between two or more choices. Many times this sort of practical wisdom is overlooked in the church. Let’s illustrate this brand of teaching from Hag 1:3-11 – Israel was suffering economically because God was not pleased with them for ignoring His house, however, the problem was they were not making the connection so God had to tell them their present distress (economic poverty) was related to their behavior (Ignoring Gods house). So, using the comparison style of wisdom found in the book of Proverbs to the people of Haggai’s day we would say “Better is it to build Gods house that to build our own”. Now, let us consider several verses that will demonstrate this style of teaching by contrast (i.e. “better is X…than Y” or “X is better than Y”):
Proverbs 15:16 “Better is little with the fear of the LORD than great treasure and trouble therewith.”
Proverbs 15:17 “Better is a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith.”
Proverbs 16:8 “Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues without right.”
Proverbs 16:19 “Better it is to be of a humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud.”
Proverbs 16:32 “He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.”
Proverbs 17:1 “Better is a dry morsel, and quietness therewith, than a house full of sacrifices with strife.”
Proverbs 19:1 “Better is the poor that walketh in his integrity, than he that is perverse in his lips, and is a fool.”
Proverbs 19:22 “The desire of a man is his kindness: and a poor man is better than a liar.”
Proverbs 21:9 “It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide house.”
Proverbs 21:19 “It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and an angry woman.”
Proverbs 25:24 “It is better to dwell in the corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman and in a wide house.”
Proverbs 27:5 “Open rebuke is better than secret love.”
Proverbs 28:6 “Better is the poor that walketh in his uprightness, than he that is perverse in his ways, though he be rich.”
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