Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
The fear of the Lord is not just the beginning of knowledge but it is also the beginning of wisdom (See Proverbs 9:10); but fools despise wisdom, knowledge and any form of instruction. When you consider it, what a terrible state to be in when one hates wisdom, knowledge and won't receive instruction. It is like being on the edge of a precipice ready to fall; good advice comes telling us how to keep from going over the edge and yet that advice is rejected. Wisdom knowledge and instructions are tools designed to keep one from perilous choices, without them one is destined to fall into destruction. That is why Proverbs will tell us to cry out for them as for choice silver and gold, they are precious as rubies and all that can be desired is not compared to them! Proverbs tells us that by wisdom one avoids the strange woman, false doctrine, poverty, judgment and by wisdom one is able to pleases his Maker.
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