Whilst how we end is certainly far more important than how we began and we want to finish our own personal race far better than we started it, we need to interject a word of caution. It is not just finishing well that we want; we want to run well too. Let me explain what I mean; even the thief on the cross finished better than he started, however, he did not run well at all and although he was with the Lord in Paradise when he crossed the finish line, he crossed the finish line with an empty basket! Also, consider the 10 virgins (Matthew 25), the five were wise because they had labored to prepare their lamps (an event which certainly took some time since the five foolish had to go and buy oil and by doing so missed the marriage all together). We want to finish better than we started but that is not a very high bar; we do not want to finish well yet empty. We want in our lifetime to be all out for God. Perhaps today, though, you are one who has wasted much time selfishly in things that did not profit and you feel you have wasted so much time. Why not begin to cry out "O' Lord, redeem the time!!" God will take your new found commitment and multiply it for you so you can finish well full of fruit...
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