10 “Say not thou, What is the cause that the former days were better than these? for thou dost not enquire wisely concerning this.”

This is a very good point; Christians are to be forward bound people not retro bound people. Lamenting about the former days gone by is not wise; it underestimates what God can do now. The first sanctuary God had commissioned was Moses Tabernacle but that was not His final plan; he was ultimately leading the nation to worship Him in Jerusalem in Solomons temple (with other dwelling place in between). We must move with God as He ushers in different moves; we must "stay with the program", God's program. I have heard some say: "Oh the way God used to move in the services before and oh I wish it was like that again." There is nothing wrong with loving the way God moved before but if one is not careful they may become an old wine skin incapable of flowing in the new move (Matt 9:16-17). The story has been told before of a woman who prayed earnestly for God to move again as He did in former years. When the Spirit of God moved again, it was different, this time He brought the Baptism in the Holy Spirit evidenced by the speaking in other tongues. This dear lady, who prayed earnestly for a fresh move of God, decided she did not like it and rejected the new move because it was not the way "God did it in former years" and she missed a mighty move of God. Oh beloved, let us love whatever God is doing, let us embrace His move even if it is not like he moved before. God always does things new and different; we do not want to be old wine skins. Keep your eyes looking forward to what God is going to do; do not become an old wineskin incapable of containing what God is doing today.
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