The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and it will keep one from making shipwreck with their new found wealth (Their inheritance). It has been discovered that many who come into money quickly and gain overnight wealth will in a very short time come to ruin. It is because they lack wisdom and the fear of the Lord and as a result they make intemperate, unwise choices. Consider the Prodigal son himself; here was a man who in one instant comes into great wealth but because he lacked both experience and the fear of the Lord he ended up wasting his precious inheritance on pleasure and riotous living; in effect he was ruined because he lacked wisdom. We want to cry out to God first of all for an inheritance and secondly for wisdom in how to preserve and increase that inheritance. We should also pray that God does not give it to us until we are mature enough to preserve it!
12 “For wisdom is a defence, and money is a defence: but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it.”
Wisdom is a defense, a protection from those choices that ensnare men and gobbles up their resources. This verse says that wisdom gives life! That is a powerful campaign for possessing wisdom, it can bring life! Ecclesiastes 9:15 – wisdom had the power to deliver the city from it’s enemies; those with wisdom behave themselves wisely (and counsel others to do the same) and are delivered from evil. Money too is a defense; those with money can hire powerful advocates and armies of men. But the real emphasis of this verse is: "...but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it". Wisdom gives life to those who have it. Wisdom is the ability to make the right choices, choices that preserve us and bring us out of harms way, to avoid costly foolish decisions that release enemies against us or ensnare in some sin. Wisdom is the principal thing.
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