Saturday, November 06, 2010

The Blessedness and Power of Meekness

It is much easier to flow with the stream than it is to try and swim against it and yet we are taught that swimming against the stream is exactly what we are to do to survive, fight, fight, fight! It is not my intention to entirely change that thinking because there is merit to it (after all the kingdom itself is taken by force, Matt 11:12). However, I do want to suggest to us that there are distinct times when God wants us to just let the stream carry us to places we would not choose to go (See John 21:18). Let me give you a few examples:

The first is Moses in the basket as a baby, as a child in this little ark all he could do was simply flow with the stream and that was Gods will. Although Moses the babe could not know it, God had a plan and purpose for him and while he drifted in the current away from his mother and family it was leading him to the circumstances that would fulfill Gods will. There was absolutely nothing this babe Moses could do to either make it happen or to hinder it; all he could do is go with the flow. You might say this is not a very good illustration because he was powerless to do otherwise but let me ask you this; what about his mother? Was she powerless, did she not have to release him with her own hands and give her son to the flowing stream? Did she not see the Pharaohs decree and realize the handwriting was on the wall, that she would have to make a decision that no mother should ever have to make; yielding her son to the dangers of the Nile? The more one would agonize and fight against this inevitable conclusion the more internal suffering they will have; it would not be until they, in meekness, surrendered to this situation that they would find the grace to triumph and ultimately fulfill Gods will. She simply, in meekness, accepted the circumstances she was confronted with and gave him to the stream of the Nile and ultimately to the plan of God; she “Drank the cup” that had been given her to drink.  

The second example is our Lord Himself at his trial. He was being unjustly accused yet He was capable of calling down thousands of angels who would have aided Him in the destruction of His enemies. Yet he chooses, in faithful obedience and meekness, to drink the cup His Father gave Him to drink. I have of recent found myself sitting in a court room before a judge and there is something within you that cries out “Someone please listen to me” there is a profound sense of anxiety as the judge drops his or her gavel and rules against you, your heart bleeds for someone to listen to you and understand what you are trying to say. Our Lord who was innocent was being sentenced to death being completely misunderstood; what emotions He had to control, He said not a word in His defense. In meekness He “Drank the cup” that had been given Him to drink and He found peace and rest in it. (Psalm 25:9the Lord guides the meek in judgment; He shows them His way)
Let me say this is where mankind struggles; he is full of self-vindication, full of wrath and desires to be justified. One must be careful because at times of being misused and misunderstood the cry to be vindicated can produce anger and bitterness. Let me plainly state that the remedy to anger, resentment and bitterness is meekness. Meekness, like the babe Moses drifting down the stream, accepts the events God is taking them through without a fight or a hint of resistance, it is like our Lord saying: “The cup the Father has given me to drink, shall I not drink it?” (John 18:11). It is being at rest in circumstances that normally would cause panic; it is peace in the midst of the storm. The Word of God tells us that there are certain fruits that accompany this blessed meekness or this “surrendering to the stream”. Psalm 37:11 – the meek are satisfied with peace, no matter what the circumstances. Also, Isaiah 29:19 tells us “The meek also shall increase their joy in the LORD…” Let us seek the Lord for this blessed meekness and fulfill God plan for our lives crossing the finish line with peace and with joy!

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