Saturday, November 13, 2010

Ecclesiastes Chapter Two continued... Character, holiness and charity!

9    So I was great, and increased more than all that were before me in Jerusalem: also my wisdom remained with me. 

I want to zero on this phrase: “...also my wisdom remained with me.” Solomon departed from the Lord did not keep His commands and yet his anointing of wisdom remained with him. This anointing was none other than one of the seven Spirit anointings of Isaiah 11:2. Solomon was not unique in this regard, we see another O.T. character that did not walk uprightly and yet he too retained the anointing; that man was Samson. 

So what does that teach us? What is the instruction to be gained? Is it not that one who demonstrates the power of God through the gifts and anointings of God is not necessarily approved of God. Does this not also teach us that the gifts and callings are without repentance even when the vessel is not upright! Therefore, there are several virtues that one must look for in a man or woman of God before we know they are approved of God:

Character – at the top of the list is character; one who is true and approved of God puts uprightness and the keeping of the commandments of God first in his/her life.

Holiness – Secondly, they who are approved of God are in pursuit of holiness, they are seeking a spotless life. They are not seeking to excuse or ignore character flaws. They are in their own personal life seeking to walk in the Fear of the Lord.

Charity – Charity or love is the bond of perfection and best reveals the true nature and character of Jesus Christ.

One who has these three virtues will be able to sustain the anointing and to live a spotless life; let us pursue Character, Holiness and Love!

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