Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Ecclesiastes Chapter Two... What works really matter?

5    I made me gardens and orchards, and I planted trees in them of all kind of fruits:

The garden Solomon is talking about is now an external one, this is not the garden of spices it once was, a place of communion and fellowship. Like the Ephesians church he has lost his first love (Rev 2:4). When the life ebbs out of a relationship it becomes an unsatisfying religious exercise and often busy work replaces it.  When one is empty in their soul external works are one of the means of ignoring what is missing inside. In other words, they cloak themselves in great works; “look at the great work they are doing” and yet they are totally missing Christ, this is Solomon. Solomon is the man who missed Christ! He tries to recreate with his hands what he has lost in his soul.  We have seen this time and time again in Christians who lose the anointing; instead of maintaining an intimate relationship with God they turn to external things. It can be worldliness, it can be hobbies and it can be religious activities but it is not what God is looking for (Ps 40:7-8) God is looking for those who delight in doing His will; in order to do His will we need to get close enough to hear it!

6    I made me pools of water, to water therewith the wood that bringeth forth trees:

These pools would have been like the broken cisterns of Jer 2:13. Instead of drawing from the fountain of living waters Solomon spent all his time making his own pools of water to water his orchards. Seeking the Lord that the pools of water would have been in his own heart would have been a better way of spending his time and energies but instead of being truly satisfied he was vexed and empty (Eccl 2:11). O' how empty one can be when they are wasting their energies on things that cannot satisfy! The critical point here is that Solomon was called to influence the world for righteousness, to set forth to the world a pattern of not just wisdom but also righteousness. He was called by the name of the Lord and yet, like so many others, he allowed himself to be distracted by his own works. The man or woman of God needs to separate themselves from distractions such as unprofitable projects. They need to distinguish between good and evil, the fruitful and fruitless and pursue first and foremost the kingdom of heaven (Matt 6:33).

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