Thursday, December 30, 2010

Ecclesiastes Chapter Three cont... Tearing and healing.

7 “A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;”

A time to rend, and a time to sew – this speaks of seasons in one’s life; there may be a season in one’s life when they are torn but then there is a time when there is mending. This truth goes far beyond tearing of a garment and can reach to the very fabric of our being. It is very much of God, at times, to tear things away from us in order to get at something inside of us. Jacob had Joseph torn away from him for a time and a season; he bore the grief of a bereaved parent even though his beloved son was still alive. Ezekiel had his beloved wife torn away from him in order for him to be able to feel what the nation would feel when God dealt with them (Ezek 24:16-23). Christ had His reputation torn away from Him while the religious leaders of the day accused Him of being an illegitimate son.  During these rending seasons we need to seek the Lord for the grace to endure…always, always, always concluding the goodness of the Lord and being careful about the opinions we form about God.

The thought of tearing something away from us implies that it is not something we have willingly offered but rather it is something, for a season God removes in order to deal with us. But then there are also times of healing in the life; consider Naomi, here was a woman who had all peace and joy ripped away from her through famine and the death of her husband and sons. She called herself “Mara” which means bitter (Ruth 1:20-21). However, God showed her and Ruth favor and her beloved daughter in law through a marriage to Boaz became the progenitor to Christ Himself, Ruth and Naomi died full and with peace.  Has God torn something away form you? Perhaps you pine for a former time when things were different for you or you have lost something or someone dear; do not despair for our God is infinitely merciful and though he tear He will bind up again if we stay on course and surrender to His working. Hos 6:1Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up”.

A time to keep silence, and a time to speak – Have you ever met a person who just did not know when to speak and when to keep silent; they can be odious and difficult to bear with. Proverbs states for us "discretion will preserve you" (Proverbs 2:11), this is very true where the lips are concerned. It is an art to know when to speak and when to refrain from speaking. He that is able to control the tongue has rule over his own spirit (Prov 16:32) as well as his other passions (James 3:2).  A contentious woman is as a continual dropping…argumentative and difficult; this woman is hard to bear. Also we are told it is the fool who speaks all his mind (Prov 29:11). Prov 10:32“The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable: but the mouth of the wicked speaketh forwardness”.

We need to learn propriety in our speech; the righteous know what appropriate speech is and what is not. Timing also is important, knowing when to speak and when to refrain from speaking. But the words of the unrighteous are intemperate words; they speak without discretion or restraint. God wants our speech to be chaste.

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