Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ecclesiastes Three cont... a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing

5    “A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;”

Stones - stones can represent that which is of the old and that which is of the new. This truth is represented in Josh 4; when crossing Jordan 12 old stones were buried in the river speaking of the old life being buried and 12 new stones were taken out of the river speaking of rising in newness of life. The New Testament counterpart of this experience is Rom 6:6, the old man being crucified with Christ and Gal 2:20, the new life in Christ after the old man has been crucified. The following thoughts also come to mind concerning this verse:

  • A Time To Cast Away Stones - cast away hardness of heart, breaking up hard areas making them soft and pliable. Hardness of heart always destroys faith and causes one to miss the will of God for their lives (Mark 16:14).

  • A Time To Gather Stones Together – This reminds us that we must build altars in our lives for the Lord, a place of sacrifice and worship. An altar of remembrance, a place where we remember how the Lord met with us at certain times.

  • A Time To Embrace - The vision God has given you and those who are on the right path, those who also embrace the same vision. Those who we choose to walk with will affect us greatly. It can energize us to do right or impede our walk and cause us to fall short.

  • A Time To Refrain From Embracing - As you go on in God you will say hello to many new friends and embrace them. You will also inevitably feel the sting of those you must say goodbye to. Not because they have departed from this world but because they have departed from the faith or the vision God has called you to.

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