Sunday, December 05, 2010

Ecclesiastes Chapter Two cont... One's appetites can lead to despair!

25    For who can eat, or who else can hasten hereunto, more than I?

Who can enjoy eating and drinking more than me? Solomon had a passion for eating and drinking, in fact we learn about him that in every area of his life his appetites were completely out of control. With women (1 Kings 11:1-4 one thousand wives); food, wine, wild living (Eccl 2:1-3); acquisitions (Eccl 2:10 whatsoever my heart desired I held it not back).  This made Solomon empty and brought him into despair. One who does not know how to exercise restraint will slip into despair because their excess will take them over and they will be powerless to stop it. When one can have whatever they want without any hesitation, as did Solomon, then every weakness is manifested. Solomon had become completely unbridled and it was his undoing. There is a power in sin that can grip a person and will not let them go. Christians who think they can play with sin and also walk with the Lord will find themselves under sins power and unable to survive, eventually they sink into despair over their life and they leave the path altogether. We must deal with the appetites and cry out for mercy in any area that is un-tempered.

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