Sunday, September 12, 2010

Niagara Falls...Kings and Priests unto God

This morning in Niagara Falls Canada (we came here to celebrate my daughter Elizabeth's 21st birthday and to recapture memories of when they were young and we came here as a family) I awoke and began my morning activities of devotion, prayer and study (especially study; I love to study) then I went out to find a church for us to attend this morning. While driving past the Falls I was asking God how I should pray when at once I felt inspired to pray "Make us Lord what you want us to be". Sometimes our lives take twists and turns we did not expect but I was struck with the realization that God has a plan for us and no matter what happens in our lives we should seek Him to fulfill that plan; so I prayed as I drove "Make us Lord, what you want us to be". I asked, "Oh, Lord what is it that You want us to be?" The answer came back to me in the form of Revelations 1:6 "And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen". God wants to make of us a kingdom of priests (Exod 19:6) and so it should be our mission no matter what life throws at us to seek Him diligently that He would complete His good work in us...

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