Saturday, September 25, 2010

Proverbs Chapter One Continued... Allow reproof's

30    They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof.

Here is a seven-letter word than sends many into vehement denial “reproof”. People who do not walk in the light generally do not want to hear reproofs because it means they have to admit they are wrong which is very unpleasant to them. What should be the Christian attitude towards reproof? David said it best in the Psalms 141:5 (LITV) “Let the righteous strike me; it is a mercy; and he rebuking me, it is oil of the head, let not my head refuse it...”

31    Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.

This really is where we plug wisdom; in reality we want to live our lives in such a way that to eat of the fruits of our ways is a good thing. In this particular verse, however, it is not a good thing because they have turned their backs on wisdom and the unfortunate truth is that in the day of their trouble wisdom is no where to be found and they will be left with the fruit of their own choices. When we choose wisdom and we walk in wisdom the fruit of our ways are good & pleasant (See Proverbs 1:33). This verse implies the negative but we understand a principle, namely that an individual will live off the fruit of their choices; either good fruit which is pleasant or evil which is bitter.

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