Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Ecclesiasties Chapter One... Solomon gets it wrong, all is not vanity!

2    Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.

Solomon after observing all things concludes that all labor is in vain; nothing makes any sense! All is on a vicious cycle and no matter what man does the cycle repeats (V:4). It is certainly true that God has set a stage and man is judged upon his part in that arena, however it is far from vanity! Man can do much good or he can do evil, he can save many lives or he can in selfish absorption watch as they go ignorantly cascading into a godless eternity. So, the labors of man are virtually the same in every generation but they are certainly not in vain!

3    What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun?

What will become apparent as we progress in this chapter is that every generation repeats the same cycle as the generation before it. No matter how hard man tries this cycle cannot be altered. Even the earth itself repeats the same cycle year after year. However, this is just as God in his infinite wisdom has ordained it in Genesis (and God saw all he created (even repetitive cycles) and behold it was very good). In those repetitive cycles God performs His mysterious work in the heart of man. Dealing with him, perfecting him and unfolding His mysteries to him.

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