Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ecclesiasties Chapter One... Wisdom, knowledge and joy for the upright.

18    For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.

This isn't really true of heavenly wisdom, is it? Solomon, through previous statements, told us his wisdom and knowledge were corrupted by madness and folly. This will also be true of a saint of God who tries to mix the wisdom of God with the folly of this world, tasting of heavenly things then gorging themselves on worldly entertainment and worldly activities. This kind of mixture will taint and cloud the wisdom that is from above. Let me interject something else Solomon said in this very book; Eccl 2:26 that God gives wisdom; knowledge and joy, in other words wisdom and knowledge flow together with joy, they are compatible. Solomon had wisdom and knowledge but not joy, instead he was depressed because he was not living uprightly, he had lost the "good in His sight" aspect to his walk. We cannot violate Gods standards and expect all to be well; there will be consequences. God may bless one with wisdom and knowledge but only one who is pure will we have joy?

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