Saturday, October 16, 2010

Thoughts on the Grace of God and surviving crisis.

I want to take a moment to speak on the word grace; there are many people who suffer in this world, some bear suffering well and some are crushed by it. I have found that generally one passes or fail the trials of life based on the appropriation of one word…Grace! By way of definition grace is “the divine influence upon the heart and it’s reflection in the life” (Strong’s #5485). I really like this definition of grace; grace is the Holy Spirits influence upon the human heart tugging us and lifting us up over and above our circumstances and for those who respond to that influence it is reflected in their life.

Like everyone else in this world I have had my share of disasters thrown at me; I have had to cope with some physical pain, some emotional pain and some spiritual pain (just like everyone else in this world). In light of it all I have come to this conclusion, we are generally ill prepared to handle most things when they first come, they always seem to come at the worst moment, are inconvenient and given our choice we would rather not have to deal with them.

In light of this reality one asks the question, “What provision is there for me to arise victorious in the midst of the tribulations of life”? How do we handle these sometimes small and sometimes colossal setbacks? The answer is His grace! Grace, which is like faith is an actual substance and has the power to uphold us and keep us above the waves in tribulations (if we are yielding to His influence).

What are you facing today? Does it feel like you are being crushed under foot, does it feel like your life is spiraling out of control and you are powerless to do anything about it? Why not use this crisis as an opportunity to ask Him to reveal His grace and power to uphold you. Why not say “Lord, let your divine influence tug me and pull me in the right direction let your influence be reflected in my life so I can glorify your name”

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