Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ecclesiasties Chapter Two... Solomons exposed heart

1    I said in mine heart, Go to now, I will prove thee with mirth, therefore enjoy pleasure: and, behold, this also is vanity.

Here we see where Solomon began to lose good sense and good judgment; it is amazing that a man with such incredible wisdom could be so duped, one would think he would have the power to reason out the end of the path of mirth and folly without having to actually walk it out. When someone chooses to do something irrational, something that defies good sense and logic you have to look deeper into the force pushing them down that road. There is something in them, either a mindset (an irrational fear), an idol, or an agenda that is skewing their thinking causing blindness in that area. So what is the "issue" with Solomon here? I think plain and simply we see Solomon has issues with an uncircumcised heart; he craved the life of parties and excess and so he pursued it under the guises of “seeing what is good for the sons of men” (Eccl 2:3). If he truly loved the Lord and was devoted to pleasing him he would not have been driven to such excesses but rather would have pursued a more chaste life!


Anonymous said...

You know something that we realized just recently in being with a group of "Christians" from another large church was the total lack of any standards. We came to realize that the church, at least that church, didn't view anything as sinful...whether the music they listened too, the places they went, how they spoke, dressed and more. It's somewhat scary to see the church so similar to the world and wonder what the end of the matter will be?!?!

As we thought about the "narrow" walk that we are on, in regards to the many things we chose not to do, we decided that there were no benefits to the wide road and the freedoms embraced by others and more often than not, they lead to sorrow. Your post today just re-affirms our thoughts.

Thanks and God bless!

Witness For the Word said...

Dear AMKreations,

Thanks for leaving your comment; Your observations and point are well made. I am keenly aware of the growing condition existing in some contemporary churches. I remember reading an article written by a revivalist just before the 1869 revival in Ireland; the observations were very similar...apathy towards sin which led eventually to low church attendance. Then the power of God fell and people were crawling on their hands and knees through muddy fields holding onto the ground trying to keep from falling into the pit of hell before they made it to the church doors.

Those who have a vision for Gods holiness today will be those used in the revival tomorrow!!