Saturday, October 02, 2010

Ecclesiasties Chapter One... The Man Solomon

1    The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem.

There are many single verses in Ecclesiastes that God has quickened to believers throughout the years; this commentary may conclude that these verses have negative meanings but that should in no way be interpreted as other meanings were wrong it’s simply that every effort was made to comment on single verses within the context of the surrounding verses or more to the point within the context of the entire body of work.

 When we look at Ecclesiastes we are looking into the heart of a man who has made many wrong choices, he has backslidden and formulated many wrong and harmful opinions. That is not to say this book is total error, no, this book is packed with many gems and nuggets, even eternal mysteries like no other book. Solomon has retained his keen anointing for observation, he observes tremendous things, however, the tragedy is that he fails to draw right conclusions about his observations; he has failed to apply them in a way that would help his walk with his creator.

 One of the great failures or weakness in Solomon's character is formulating wrong opinions about what he has observed. This is evidenced very quickly in the book, in fact by V:2 he has already erred. This is the route of the backslidden, as the scripture says; their mind has been alienated by wicked works (sinful activities) and Satan perverts and distorts their vision. The pure in heart see as God sees but the vileness of the backslidden perverts what he sees! We are told in the beatitudes by Jesus that the pure see as God sees (Matt 5) and for those who seek to do Gods will they know good doctrine (John 7:17).

 We can see through this book the dark and sad depression Solomon lived in and because of the rest of the Word of God we know why he came to this place; it was by unrighteous living. Solomon lived an intemperate life, whatever his heart desired he gave it, wine, women, mirth and excess.  Solomon in his debauchery puts the prodigal son to shame. Solomon failed to guard his own heart with all diligence, he played with vice and idolatry and it slew him in the end; Solomon never recovered from his choices.

 Solomon had a tremendous anointing on his life, that anointing of wisdom, one of the Seven Spirits of the Lord mentioned in Isaiah 11. There is a distinction that needs to be made between the anointing and character. Two specific men in the word had a tremendous anointing and yet not the character to sustain it and it led them both to depression and bondage; they are Solomon and Samson. They each had one of the golden candlestick anointing from Isaiah 11:1-2 Solomon had wisdom and Samson had might but their lives were so wretchedly out of order that they had no peace and ended up in terrible bondage which is what happens to believers when they backslide.

 Another great tragedy in the life of Solomon is that he gives cause for the surrounding nations and leaders to blaspheme God. In other words he is a man of worldwide influence; he could have literally impacted the world for good, he had world leaders at his feet coming to see the splendor of his kingdom. He could have promoted his God Jehovah and brought glory to His name; instead he brought reproach on the whole kingdom and gave cause to many nations to despise the Lord. Now, the question remains for us, what will be our influence? Will we glorify his name? Solomon was the one who penned, "righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people". In the end of his reign he brought reproach and not righteousness.


AGohl said...

I just finished reading Ecclesiastes and am working on Pastor Bailey's "Wisdom Literature" book. I find it so sad to read through Ecclesiastes and see the man that Solomon became, even with the great gifts and blessings that the Lord gave to him, and the bitterness that was in his heart at the end of his life. Such a contrast from the end of the life of his father!

It is such a warning for us all to live circumspect lives, with our eyes firmly fastened on the Lord.

Thank you for sharing Pastor Frank!

Witness For the Word said...

Very well put and thanks for taking the time to comment... I have been studying Solomon through his writings for about three years now and I conclude ti this way..."Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life!